
Our service plans offer comprehensive healthcare services for individuals, families, and businesses.


Our service plans offer comprehensive healthcare services for individuals, families, and businesses.


Our service plans offer comprehensive healthcare services for individuals, families, and businesses.

Cyber Insurance

Property insurance coverages include:

  • Identity Theft: The plan provides coverage for defence cost of any claim raise by affected party. Apart from this, the prosecution cost against 3rd party as well as the costs of photocopying of documents and cost of transportation to court.

  • Cyber Stalking: The plan provides coverage for the incurred cost for prosecution of a criminal case against 3rd party.

  • Malware Attack: In case of malware attack the cyber insurance provides coverage for restoration costs of the computer after the malware attack and defence cost of any raised claim by affected party for legal liability caused due to the malware.

  • IT Theft Loss: An unauthorised cyber intrusion by third-party results into a financial loss will be covered. Apart from this, prosecution cost against 3rd part responsible for IT theft loss and any legal fees for lodging a claim against payment system operator or financial institution are covered.

  • Phishing: Financial loss caused to the insured due to phishing act by third-party is covered and prosecution cost against a 3rd party is also covered.

  • Email Spoofing: Financial loss caused to the insured due to email spoofing by third-party along with the prosecution cost if you file a case against 3rd party.

  • Media Liability Claims: Defence cost of claim made by 3rd party against insured, prosecution cost for wrongful media act as well as photocopying of documents and cost of transportation to court are covered.

  • Cyber Extortion: The cyber liability insurance covers the cost incurred due to cyber extortion as well as prosecution cost against 3rd party.

  • Privacy & Data Breach by 3rd Party: Legal fees incurred by the insured in case of damages caused due to privacy and data breach is covered

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A wide range of services for Healthcare Industry



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Mon–Sat: 8am–6pm
Sun: Closed

© 2023 Nodal Health™. All rights reserved.

Powered by Mitigata

A wide range of services for Healthcare Industry



Office hours

Mon–Sat: 8am–6pm
Sun: Closed

© 2023 Nodal Health™. All rights reserved.

Powered by Mitigata

A wide range of services for Healthcare Industry



Office hours

Mon–Sat: 8am–6pm
Sun: Closed

© 2023 Nodal Health™. All rights reserved.

Powered by Mitigata